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Call Us: 506-849-1044
Atlantic Air Cleaning works hand in hand with the automotive industry, and our most prolific service is the supplying of paint booths.
Together with Global Finishing Solutions, Atlantic Air Cleaning seeks to provide solutions which are tailored to your business. Global Finishing Solutions is the world's leading manufacturer of paint booths, and by virtue of that, produces paint booths of the highest quality. They also pride themselves in being able to produce the world's most efficient and environmentally friendly painting environments possible.
Through their attempts to be more efficient and Eco-friendly, GFS has produced technologies such as LOGIC Control Panel with Smartcure, as well as the AdvanceCure System. All of these systems are tailored to the wants and needs of the automotive industry: low operating costs, high efficiency, less waste, less environmental impact all translate to higher profit margins.
GFS has stated that their product can reduce shops power usage by 60% through use of their product.
One such system is the REVO drying system which uses short-wave infrared technology which allows more repairs to be done in the same amount of time, which translates into higher productivity, as well as higher profit. The technology also offers energy savings when compared to a traditional drying system.
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